arch supports
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Feet Relief offers a wide selection of Arch Support items, Foot Supports and cushion Arch Support Insoles the lowest prices you'll find on line or off line. Many common foot problems can be alleviated through the proper use of Arch Supports and Foot Supports and we have a selection that offers something for everyone.

Birkenstock Blue Arch Supports
Spenco arch supports and cushion insoles
Superfeet insoles, footbeds & arch supports

Powerstep Orthotic Arch Supports
KLM Orthotic Banner
Pedag Arch and metatarsal supports

Rx Sorbo Ultra orthotic arch supports from sorobothane
Superstep orthotic arch supports
WalkFit Platinum orthotic arch supports

Clearly Adjustabe heel lifts
Texon Fiberboard insoles add rigidity and support to any shoe and are espically good for issues of the toes that require a rigid midsole

feetrelief's flat cushion insole great by it self or as a cover for hard plastic orthotics
sher deluxe Nylon e-z post - arch support kit with interchangable heel posts 3 different angles 3 different support levels
padifix 100% silicon gel cushion insole - the softest gel cushion you'll ever put on your feet

Sole Custom Footbeds
Tacco collection of arch and metatarsal arch supports
chilcren' arch supports

Velcro Dots
All New Arch Support Accessories
Velcro Dots - Double Sided Tape - Tongue Pads
For attaching or enhancing any arch support
- Click Here -
Tounge pad stuck to bottom of arch supports to enhance the support

What is the difference between Foot and Arch Supports?

Foot supports are basically the same as arch supports but foot supports are specifically a one piece, full length insole that incorporates an arch support into its design. Basically foot arch supports are arch supports and can be used to treat common foot problems. Arch supports, on the other hand, refer specifically to the ¾ length support piece that runs from the heel to the ball of the foot. It is often made from plastic but it could be made from cork, or foam. Historically they have even been made from metal as well but today plastic is the preferred material because it is light, durable and easy to work with.
We offer a wide range of arch supports and foot supports from firm support to soft cushion and everything in between. Whether you have painful foot problems due to an injury or simply have sore and tired feet because you stand all day, we have the products you need for you at a great low price!

Foot Notes On Arch Supports
David Fisher the Owner Of Feet Relief

Types Of Arch Supports

Hard Vs. Soft
Arch supports are constructed from a wide variety of materials both hard and soft. These different materials affect both the feel of the arch support and the level of support it can provide.
Hard arch supports and orthotics typically provide a higher level of support than soft arch supports. Today, some of the best hard arch supports and orthotics are constructed from polypropylene plastic. Polypropylene is rigid enough to support the weight of an active, full grown adult but at the same time retains enough flexibility to allow the foot to work naturally and comfortably. These types of arch supports can take a little getting used to, especially for people with flat feet. Typically, the flatter one's feet the longer it takes to get used to the arch supports because there is a greater degree for bone and tissue shifting.
Soft arch supports are made from softer materials which can include soft plastic (such as nylon), rubber, foam and occasionally cork. Soft arch supports don't provide the same level of support as hard arch supports or last as long but they are initially very comfortable and easy to get used to. People with extremely sensitive feet, extremely flat feet or extremely deformed feet (such as in the case of some elderly people) will be more likely to try these arch supports and stick with them because they are more comfortable. Often times people that start off in soft arch supports gradually work their way up into more supportive harder ones.

High Vs. Low Arch Supports
All arch supports are sculpted with different maximum and minimum heights making some arch supports higher than others. It is important to know the relative height of a given arch support in order to gauge who it will be most effective for. Arch supports that are significantly lower than a person's natural arch will not give their feet enough support and won't be of much benefit. Arch supports that are much higher than a person's natural arch will feel uncomfortable from the start and remain uncomfortable, even after an extended and gradual breaking-in period.

The Slope Of The Arch
All arch supports are designed with a slope that goes from a higher medial side to a lower lateral side, this is fundamental. What is not fundamental and varies considerably from one arch support to another is the curve of that slope. Some arch supports have a straighter slope while others have a more concaved slope. All things being equal, the arch support with the straighter slope gives more support then the arch support with the concaved slope.